Ongoing Recruitment at Baringo County Government

Posted 1 day ago - By Kenya Vacancies - Over 2 Potential Applicants

  • With all systems up and running, we are now enjoying streamlined operations that ensure effective and timely service delivery especially in critical areas like water provision, irrigation and agriculture, health and infrastructure. I commend our people, social media and the mainstream media for their continued support and more importantly for exercising t...

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    • Contents
    • Open Jobs
      1. Accountant I (Re-advertisement)
      2. Municipality Board Member - 7 Posts
      3. Clerical Officer II (Accounts)- (Revenue Clerks) - 22 Posts
      4. Communication Assistant II (Re-advertisement)
      5. Administrative Officer I (Ward Administrator Marigat Ward)
      6. Security Warden III (Enforcement Officer) - 40 Posts
      7. Board Member (Chemususu Water Company Board) - 3 Posts
    • Method of Application
    Accountant I (Re-advertisement)
    • Job TypeFull Time
    • QualificationBA/BSc/HND
    • Experience1 year
    • LocationBaringo
    • Job FieldFinance / Accounting / Audit&nbsp

    Duties and responsibilities;

    • Perform accounting operation in accounting unit or department.
    • Verification of vouchers and committal documents in accordance with laid down rules and regulation, data capture, maintenance of primary records such as cash book, ledgers, vote book, registers and preparation of simple management reports e.g. imprest and expenditure returns etc.;
    • Responsible for the safe custody of government records and assets
    • Cashier roles
    • Preparation of expenditure and authority to incur expenditure (AIE) funding returns on quarterly basis;
    • Preparation of appropriation in Aid (AID) returns on quarterly basis at unit or department level;
    • Reconciliation and generating daily and monthly reports for various ledgers;
    • Verification of payment vouchers in accordance with the laid down rules and regulations;
    • Perform any other duties that may be assigned from time to time.


    • Bachelors Degree in Business related field (Bachelor of Commerce, Finance or Accounting option) from a recognized university
    • Worked in a similar capacity for at least 1 year in a busy accounts department in either public or private sector.
    • CPA(K) and a registered member of ICPAK
    • Knowledge of IFMIS will be an added advantage.
    • Knowledge of Public Sector Financial Reporting Format is necessary.
    • Knowledge of Public Sector financial Regulation and procedure is necessary.
    • Certificate in Computer application.
    • Ability to get on well with the diverse work force; Good knowledge in the professional field or specialization; Good communication skills; Ability to take instructions; Good organizational and supervisory skills.
    • Team playing skills; accuracy; care for resources; manual dexterity; Execution of instruction; interpersonal skills; analytical skills; records management skills.

    Municipality Board Member - 7 Posts
    • Job TypeContract
    • QualificationBA/BSc/HND
    • Experience10 years
    • LocationBaringo
    • Job FieldAdministration / Secretarial&nbsp


    Members shall be paid as per allowancesand benefits as determined and reviewed by the Salaries and RemunerationCommission (SRC).

    Functionsof the Municipality Board of Baringo County.

    • Oversee the affairs of the municipality;
    • Develop and adopt policies, plans, strategies, and programs, and set targetsfor the delivery of services;
    • Formulate and implement an integrated development plan;
    • Promote and undertake infrastructural development and services within themunicipality;
    • Develop and manage schemes, including site development in collaboration withthe relevant national and county agencies;
    • Maintain a comprehensive database and information system of the administrationand provide public access thereto upon payment of a nominal fee to bedetermined by the board;
    • Implement applicable national and county legislation;
    • Monitor and, where appropriate, regulate municipal services where thoseservices are provided by the service providers other than the board of themunicipality;
    • Prepare its budget for approval by thecounty executive committee and administer the budget as approved; monitor theimpact and effectiveness of any services, policies, programs, or plans;
    • Establish, implement, and monitorperformance management systems;
    • Perform such other functions as may be delegated to the Board by the CountyGovernment of Baringo or as may be approved by law.

    Requirementsfor Appointment as Chairperson

    • Be a Kenyan citizen,
    • Be in possession of at least a university degree from an institution recognizedin Kenya;
    • Has a distinguished career in a medium-level management position in either theprivate or public sector;
    • Holds at least ten (10) years post qualification professional experience;
    • Is ordinarily resident or has a permanent dwelling in the municipality;
    • Carries on business in the municipality or has lived in the municipality for atleast five (5) years
    • Meets the requirements of Chapter Sixof the Kenya Constitution 2010 and is not disqualified for appointment tooffice by the County Government Act or any other law

    Requirementsfor the Appointment as a Member of the Municipal Board

    • Holds at least a diploma from an institution recognized in Kenya;
    • Has a distinguished career in a medium-level management position in either theprivate or public sector;
    • Holds at least five years of post-qualification professional experience; and
    • Satisfies the requirements of Chapter Sixof the Constitution;
    • Is ordinarily resident or has apermanent dwelling in the municipality; and
    • Carries on business in the municipality or has lived in the municipality for atleast five years

    The Board of the Municipality shallperform the following functions

    • Oversee the affairs of theMunicipality;
    • Develop or adopt policies, plans,strategies and programmes and set targets for service delivery;
    • Formulate and implement an integrated development plan;
    • Control, land sub-division, land development, and zoning by public and privatesectors for any purpose, including industry, commerce, markets, shopping, andother employment centers, residential areas, recreational areas, parks,entertainment, passenger transport, agriculture, and freight and transitstations within the framework of the spatial and master plans for theMunicipality as delegated by the County Government of Baringo;
    • Promoting and undertaking infrastructural development and services within theMunicipality as delegated by the County Government of Baringo;
    • Developing and managing schemes, including site development in collaborationwith the relevant national and county agencies;
    • Maintaining a comprehensive databaseand information system of the administration;

    Clerical Officer II (Accounts)- (Revenue Clerks) - 22 Posts
    • Job TypeFull Time
    • QualificationKCSE
    • Experience
    • LocationBaringo
    • Job FieldAdministration / Secretarial&nbsp

    Duties and responsibilities

    • Promptcollection and accounting of all revenue to the County Government within areaof jurisdiction.
    • Preparationand submission of daily/weekly and monthly revenue collection reports to therevenue officer.
    • Responsiblefor making sure that all revenue collected are banked intact and promptly.
    • Implementingthe established revenue procedures
    • Reportingon the level of compliance with revenue laws and regulations
    • Custodianand accountable of all official revenue documents in their possession
    • Any otherduties assigned by the immediate supervisor

    Requirementsfor Appointment

    • Have acertificate of secondary education with a mean grade of C- and above;
    • KenyaAdvanced Technician Certificate I (KATC I)
    •  Evidence of Computer Proficiency

    Communication Assistant II (Re-advertisement)
    • Job TypeContract
    • QualificationDiploma
    • Experience3 years
    • LocationBaringo
    • Job FieldMedia / Advertising / Branding&nbsp

    Duties and responsibilities;

    • Development and distribution of pressreleases and other materials to the media;
    • Editing stories on various topical issuesbefore they are released to the public;
    • Liaising with media practitioners and thepublic on issues of mutual concern;
    • Scheduling interviews with governmentofficials;
    • Managing assigned projects/programmes;
    • Assisting in building corporate relations;
    • Undertaking media monitoring;
    • Participating in event organization andmanagement; and
    • Perform other duties that may be assignedfrom time to time by the Governor.


    • Be a Kenyan citizen.
    • Be a holder of a Diploma from a recognizedinstitution in Kenya in any of the following: Mass Communication, PublicRelations, Journalism, Media Studies/Science or a related field.
    • Have working experience of not less than 3 years preferably in Communication and/or Public Relations.
    • Possess good oral and writtencommunication skills in both English and Kiswahili.
    • Should have good attention to detail andgood relationship management skills.

    Administrative Officer I (Ward Administrator Marigat Ward)
    • Job TypeFull Time
    • QualificationBA/BSc/HND
    • Experience3 years
    • LocationBaringo
    • Job FieldAdministration / Secretarial&nbsp

    Duties andResponsibilities

    • Implementing, reviewing, and interpreting administrative policies, strategies, procedures, and programmes in the ward.
    • Managing and serving the general administration services in the Ward
    • Implementing public service reforms;
    • Facilitating maintenance of infrastructure and facilities;
    • Planning and coordinating office accommodation;
    • Managing county government assets;
    • Ensuring services are delivered in the area of jurisdiction;
    • Facilitating mobilization and ensuring prudent utilization of resources;
    • Developing programmes and project to empower the community;
    • Facilitating citizen participation in the development of policies, plans, and delivery of services in the area of jurisdiction;
    • Facilitating intra and inter-governmental relations and conflict resolutions;
    • Overseeing safe custody of government assets in the area of jurisdiction;
    • Ensuring compliance with legal, statutory, and regulatory requirements in the area of jurisdiction; and
    • Ensuring compliance with national values and principles of good governance;
    • Identify development projects;
    • Disseminating information to the public; and
    • Providing linkage between the office and the community

    Requirementsfor Appointment

    • Bachelor's degree in any of the following disciplines: -Public Administration; Business Administration /Management, Community Development, or any other Social Science from a recognized institution;
    • Certificate in computer applications skills from a recognized institution; and
    • Demonstrated managerial, administrative, and professional competence .in work performance and result
    • Three (3) years of experience in the relevant field

    Security Warden III (Enforcement Officer) - 40 Posts
    • Job TypeFull Time
    • QualificationKCSE
    • Experience
    • LocationBaringo
    • Job FieldSecurity / Intelligence&nbsp

    Duties and Responsibilities

    • Enforce County laws and other relevant Acts;
    • Carry out regular patrols in parking areas to ensure orderly parking and traffic management;
    • Respond to safety, emergency and enforcement alerts;
    • Verify employees and visitors identification;
    • Maintain order in markets and other business premises;
    • Guard County government properties and premises;
    • Control crowds, collect information and report on matters of County interest; and
    • Perform any other lawful related duties assigned by Supervisor.

    Requirements for Appointment:

    • Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) with a mean grade of D (PLAIN) or its equivalent;
    • Certificate of Good Conduct from the National Police Service
    • Aged between 18 years and above
    • Physically fit;
    • National Youth Service Training or Paramilitary training is an added advantage OR Five-year experience in enforcement work

    Board Member (Chemususu Water Company Board) - 3 Posts
    • Job TypeContract
    • QualificationBA/BSc/HND
    • Experience7 years
    • LocationBaringo
    • Job FieldFinance / Accounting / Audit&nbsp

    Duties andResponsibilities

    • Ensure that the Company has complied with all therelevant laws
    • Ensure the sustainability of the Company
    • Approve Annual Budgets of the Company
    • Prepare, approve and oversee the implementation ofthe Companys Strategic, Business, Investment and other plans.
    • Ensure the Company delivers on its core mandate ofprovision of clean safe water and sanitation services.
    • Establish and maintain a proper management structurewith clear balance of power within the Company;
    • Exercise all powers of the Company to borrow orraise capital externally subject to the Public Finance Management Act 2012;
    • Appoint managing Director, Company Secretary andCorporate Management team for the Company;
    • Appoint external Auditors;
    • Appoint advocate of the Company to carry out Legalundertakings of the Company;
    • Provide guidelines and control of functions of thecompany in line with the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Company;
    • Determine staffing levels of the Company andmaintain relevant policies for Human Resources;
    • Ensure the existence of Performance ManagementSystem
    • Authorize changes in Company Policy
    • Approve tariffs of the Company in compliance withexisting legislation;
    • Ensure accountability of the Company stakeholders byholding Annual General Meetings (AGM);
    • Keep open and effective communication channels withCompany stakeholders;
    • Overall leadership of the Company.

    Requirements for Appointment

    • Possess a minimum of Higher National Diploma from recognized institution in the followingfields among others; Finance, Engineering, Science, Business/Management.
    • Minimum of seven (7) years working experience in the core professionof a person or must have run a registered own enterprisefor minimum of 7 years.
    • Must meet the leadership and integrity criteria under the constitution chapter 6 and meets the fit andpropertest criteria from WASREBas prescribed in the corporate Governanceguidelines.
    • Board Members must represent known registered stakeholder group in the locality served by the WSP such as:
      • Industry/ Manufacturingsector
      • Relevant Commercial Sector
      • Key water catchment areas that are sources of water for WSP
      • Resident Associations
      • Any other recognized registered bodies that affected by the WSP

    Method of Application

    Use the link(s) below to apply on company website.

  • Accountant I (Re-advertisement)
  • Municipality Board Member - 7 Posts
  • Clerical Officer II (Accounts)- (Revenue Clerks) - 22 Posts
  • Communication Assistant II (Re-advertisement)
  • Administrative Officer I (Ward Administrator Marigat Ward)
  • Security Warden III (Enforcement Officer) - 40 Posts
  • Board Member (Chemususu Water Company Board) - 3 Posts

    Apply Before: 31 October 2024
    Apply Now